Orgill Poly 4X10-C Poly Film 4 Mil Clear Polyethylene Film
Key Features
- All Warp's genuine poly-cover plastic sheeting is guaranteed to be full weight, full measure and thickness
- Warp's has made construction and consumer sheeting longer than anyone
- Warp's poly-cover plastic sheeting is available in widths ranging from 12 in to 50 ft and in thickness from 0.75 to 10 mil
Polyethylene sheeting "poly-film" bulk clear - 4 mil - roll 10 feet width x 100 feet length. Tough, seamless plastic for tough jobs in construction and agriculture. Full weight with thickness marked on each rigid-core roll to meet Building Code Specifications, complies with ASTM D-4397-84. Bulk.
Poly-Cover Masking Sheet, 100 ft L, 10 ft W, 4 mil THK, Plastic Backing, Clear Tough, seamless plastic for tough jobs in construction and agriculture. Building Code Specifications, complies with ASTM D-4397-84. Bulk.